
The purpose of NMKL’s work is to standardize new methods and procedures when needed for examining food in the Nordic-Baltic countries. NMKL should not develop equivalent standards to already existing standards developed by other standardization organizations but could recommend them and produce extensions to adapt to Nordic-Baltic conditions when needed.

To the greatest possible extent, the work in NMKL shall be adapted to the guidelines and recommendations that apply to Nordic-Baltic co-operation and other international co-operation in the food sector.

Our mandate is to

  • develop methods of analysis in the area of food and feed,
  • issue NordVal International certificate for proprietary or other alternative methods of analysis in the food, feed, primary production samples and drinking water,
  • safeguard the Nordic-Baltic interests in the food area that relate to methodology of analysis,
  • prepare guidelines and procedures relevant for laboratories and stakeholders,
  • hold courses, seminars, and symposia to help and support food laboratories and users of their services, and
  • be a network for Nordic-Baltic food analysts in industry, government, and scientific disciplines

To comply with our mandate we

  • coordinate a synergistic collaboration of Nordic-Baltic experts in microbiological-, chemical- and sensory food analysis
  • ensure continuous availability of reliable methods & procedures fit for purpose to analyze feed and food under Nordic-Baltic conditions
  • extend to stakeholders world-wide and through international organizations; 27 methods CODEX endorsed
  • assist in guidance on good laboratory practices and standard operation procedures through workshops and procedures
  • support Nordic food safety authorities and contributes to safe food trade in accordance with legislation
  • provide updated lists of Nordic-Baltic Reference Laboratories and a Nordic interpretation of the EU Control Regulation